This is a partly complete of what came from a CD with bad sectors. Another CD is being bought with more hope.
Video (running on GIS 557):
GunBound Taiwan is currently a region we have no clients of whatsoever. Not even assets, until now. Hopefully we can get a client too soon enough, even if its based of GIS.
There are two downloads. One with the files re-named back to what I think made sense, the other one being completely raw. If you know what you are doing and want it as clean as possible, go for that I suppose
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hduh0s1fznh1rf7/Corrupted+GunBound+Taiwan+2007-05-21.zip/file
RAW: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3xyasd1xqme0uql/Corrupted_TW_Gunbound.zip/file
I am tired right now and just hope the second cd isn't FUCKED
- GunBound.gme is corrupted (not sure how badly) (dated: 2007-05-21 11:15:15 UTC); seems to be based of GIS packed with armadillo
- NyxLauncher is so corrupted it doesn't even get recognized by Windows
- Avatar.xfs is completely missing
- Some GG stuff seems to be missing as well, but who cares about GG anyway