Beta has released. I am not really impressed so far, but here we go
First of all, the launcher now uses this IP I believe. Not sure about the rest, I let someone else look:
- It seems a lot of the compatibility tools have been removed, a lot of users have problems running it properly, myself included
- They added a block for Windows 7 on innosetup as well. Like before, if you know how, you can get it running on a W7 VM just fine
- The server is now on amazon's own servers instead of some rando Brazilian one. Ping seems to be better.
- Plugin.dll is now packed and contains an Anti Cheat which you see a message about in the channel*
* The anti cheat has a massive flaw right now and you can just use an older plugin.dll from the alpha and get in the server. All you have to do is change the IP from the old plugin.dll to the new one, or wait 30 seconds or so at the World List for the ping timeout to occur.
Doing that will no longer make the anti cheat message appear in the channel and presumably has it disabled. There may still be chances you get flagged though, hopefully they add proper CRC or anything.
I do not support cheating, but if this massive flaw is there right now I rather say it than this flaw is still in release as well, haha.
Data files are hardly changed, and avatars are still in Portuguese on the English client. English strings are still the weird custom ones.
I assume this test is mostly for compatibility and the Anti Cheat.