ScrawnyB's fetch archive (SilentGB & GunBound Classic Patches)


I've released almost all of it in the past with the exception to GBC/SilentGB. This contains every single patch ScrawnyB scanned back in 2006. Unfortunately, he stopped it sooner than I hoped.

This also contains a lot of fetch patches that were preserved somehow through

The old release:

The SilentGB / GBC patch archive


This contains close to every single patch from SilentGB (2006) until first era GBC (2008). Unfortunately I don't have the patches from newer era's, but maybe @Zilch still does.

Noteworthy stuff

- The very first patch available was a .gme change from pre-Aduka to post Aduka
- Patch 309 is the first one where SilentGB started edit the language file majorly; Chuck Norris jokes and links changed from to SilentGB's
- Avatar Patch 313 is the first patch where ScrawnyB started make interesting description edits to some avatar descriptions that lasted forever
- Patch 314 changed the URL from SilentGB to - Zilch ("Diablo") took over here?
- Patch 321 added a first (and unique) version of the Blue Hammer rank that was later on removed again (blue > red)
- Patch 323 added the Nirvana theme which was incomplete with a .txt note by Diablo to share if someone can edit "gamelist_back.img"
- Patch 325 was the first attempt to break hacks or editors. Also, blue hammer added back with trophy and VIP rank
- Patch 334: A serious attempt to patch more hacks
- Patch 336: Introduction of the "transparentish" theme; one of my favourite themes of all time at GBC (I started play when this theme was active (early 2007))
- Patch 337: Introduction of the 2x life/2x damage event. This was a very popular (although not flawless) event that stuck around for much longer and became a feature
- Patch 338: Text balloons were changed to Power User's for everyone
- Patch 348: A serious swear filter got added which also has funny entries like "Please use polite and proper words." as well as diff private servers at the time
- Patch 349: Said swear filter got removed again lol
- Patch 355: The famous fox rank got added. This rank was later stolen and used in SO MANY servers
- Patch 365: Changed gunbound.gme to GBC.YIFF (back then I had no idea what .YIFF is; i was still young and innocent ;;;
- Patch 371: The terrible fake backgrounds were added at the lobby
- Patch 372: Added a "DetectAndThrowoff" text file for Pro2hell aimbot, i have no idea how this worked or if its fake
- Patch 394: VIP ranks got added. I ended up win it, but from what I recall you would get a small GP/Gold bonus similar as Power User; fake backgrounds got reverted
- Patch 400: GBC's introduction of Season 2; theme changes, Season 2 BGM
- Patch 415: Introduction of GameGuard. This was met with a lot of backlash due to how ass GG runs (even back then)
- Patch 419: The Season 2 ranks got added
- Patch 423: Persona Soundtrack was added as BGM; a few of my YT videos have this intact
- Patch 429: This introduced the first custom play UI for GBC which was met with a lot of crititism. On the top of that, the wind indicator broke with it because the top bar has a barely visible gfx for the wind which people editing this UI often forget about

430 is the last available patch which was deep into 2008. Around here Zilch known as Diablo at the time started manage LocalMS which became extremely popular, causing him to no longer have time for GBC. The server was linked to LocalMS's forums at the time which caused a bit of new users to appear, but not for long. The server no longer gained updates and the staff were upset that Diablo no longer gave any attention to GunBound. Eventually GunBound Classic was announced to shut down in 2008 and the first era ended.

There's a few GunBound WC attempts as well (including Retro) which goes in the second post. They all (besides Retro) lasted a very short time so only a very few patch files are available for those.


I have also quite a bit of other resources still from first era Gunbound Classic. Maybe I will release that too? Will first ask Zilch since there's a lot of stuff in there so should probably first organize it
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